Wisdom Buddha image under permission of: MarenYumi / Flickr.com,
Creative Commons License


Amitabha Buddha image.

The Wisdom Buddha Amitabha

"May our actions be centered in the Heart."

Amitabha Buddha, the "Lord of Infinite Light," is associated with deep awareness and wisdom. His hands are held in the dhyana mudra gesture which represents transforming our cravings into wisdom through meditation. In honor of Amitabha Buddha and the Bodhisattva, this page provides resources for our own inner work.

Meditations with Karida

Journey of the Heart Meditations

kuan yin book cover These meditations use active imagination to guide your journey through Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. You will find yourself visiting peaceful environments with the Bodhisattva Kuan Shih Yin. The Bodhisattva issues a simple invitation: “Come, be by my side and listen to the Heart of the Earth.”

Amidst the terrible tragedies of this year, 2020, we are presenting this online version of the Journey of the Heart: Meditations with Kuan Yin in the hope of contributing to the happiness of all Beings. These meditations are adapted from the book of the same title, available in our book store. To begin the journey, please click here.


Kuan Yin

We believe that Calm Abiding Meditation, is central to the Buddhist tradition. It is also an example presented to us by The Buddha. This being the case, we feel that meditation is of central importance to our Buddhist practice. Enjoy visiting our virtual place dedicated to the Bodhisattva and planetary healing. We call it our "Virtual Zendo of Deep Imagination." We invite you to visit our Zendo for a few moments of mindful meditation.

Karida Book of Recitations

karida logo

Our Recitations book, Evocation of the Bodhisattva Kuan Shih Yin: Karida Buddhist Sangha Book of Recitations, continues to be an important component of Karida Sangha's inner work, both for groups and individuals. There are three main sections: Sutra chanting, Calm Abiding meditation, and Dharma study. See here. The Heart Sutra, universally associated with the Bodhisattva Kuan Shih Yin, is a recitation often chanted in our meetings. Click here to read and hear the entire Sutra.


poetry bridge

Karida members celebrate the inner work of creating poetry as meditation. This image of a bridge is a link to a collection of verses that have been written by Karida members and friends, so that you may share in this meditation. We encourage submissions of your poetry.

Recommended Resources

The Great Bell Chant: the End of Suffering
For your meditation this day in this very moment:
a guided video meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh and Phap Niem,
a gift of peace to thousands throughout the world. (7.5 minute video)

Aitken, Robert. Taking the Path of Zen. San Francisco: North Point Press, 1982. Seldom has any teacher ever written more clearly on the details of starting the practice of meditation. Detailed instructions for stretching, sitting, breathing,and meditation in the Zen tradition.

Irwin, Roger (Gyoshin). Journey of the Heart: Meditation with Kuan Yin. Karida Press, 2017. This book takes you on a journey of active participation through sixteen guided meditations. Each meditation is accompanied by a unique image of the Bodhisattva Kuan Yin. This is not a book about meditation - the book is a meditation designed to take you through a full lunar month of practice.

Hanh, Thich Nhat.The Heart of Understanding: Commentaries on the Prajnaparamitta Heart Sutra. Berkeley, Parallax Press, 1988. This is a translation and commentary on the “Heart Sutra.” Considered, by some, to be the single most important Sutra ever written as it contains the essence of the Buddha's teachings. This book, a pleasant read, is one of the most understandable available.

Suzuki, Shunryu. Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. New York: Weatherhill,1993. This is a collection of talks given by Suzuki Roshi about how to practice Zen . Posture, breathing, and attitudes are all discussed. It is a classic studied by thousands of students through the years.

Thera, Nyanaponika. The Heart of Buddhist Meditation is available to view or download in PDF format. It is a handbook of mental training based on the buddha's way of mindfulness, with an anthology of relevant texts translated from the Pali and Sanskrit. This is an excellent, in-depth description of mindfulness practice and its benefits.